Parties Parties Parties have dictated my life the past few weekends. The first party I hosted was a "Sip and See" honoring none other than my new baby sister Francie Adele and my parents. This party was perfect because it gave my parent's friends the opportunity to come to their home and see the baby and the nursery. So we themed it to coordinate with the nursery, gotta love Pink and Green.

My beautiful mother and Francie

I love diaper cakes.

For dessert table, we had 2 types of bonbons with the initial "F" on them. Plus a wonderful cake, who doesn't love italian creme and an assortment of candy.

Since it was a "Sip and See" it's was a must to have fabulous drink fountain.

My adorable cousin in suspenders wanted to help with the gifts.

Every party needs pretty flowers and sweet favors. Our favors happen to be extra large candy bars with labels titled "Francie Adele May 7, 2009."
I believe the party was a smash.